islenska` 31.03.06 the planet doesn't like our powers___
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Holy SHIT holidays are here FINALLY

Friday, August 31, 2007

Today is a great day as as its the last day of term three. However the holiday homework waiting for me makes me realise that week-long holidays are WAY OVERRATED. At least Monday i will have my reunion with the 402 so its not so bad.

I intended to do so much...revise....go to Mr. Ong BT's place...PW....and this dialogue session thing. The workload however sort of makes some plans IMPOSSIBLE(if that is the right word to use) I shall not list the work but instead evaluate the work...

Theres alot of work coming from the GP and CL end. In total 5 compres(GP and CL), 3 essays from GP and Econs and BIO(yes BIO), i would have like no time to revise if u account for extra sleep, Math tuition,research and PW! so yeah i'm screwed for this hol.

Well I've already complained in school(state every single acronym that is not polite at all right here). Then again with promos coming wwithin a short short 4 weeks i guess even the teachers feel the need for some speed so pile it on while u can i guess. Oh yah just in case it seems that i dun have to go back to school guess what...DUH i DO!!!Monday is a GP timed practice in te morning ALL THE WAY TO 3 and Tuesday i've got Bio for a couple of hours and all the way I'm Chionging PW so its a pretty overwhelming workload even for me!!

Just in case this may seem insignificant..To those that think so then please share with me your time management skills so that i can have a decent break!

Anyways Today was my last self-defence elective session so i'm pretty sad....oh well at least i can take some solid skills away with me!

Day Rating: 5(at least my Self-def course today was descent)

Battled at || 3:11 PM

Pattaya Trip

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Pattaya Trip with the choir is the first oversea trip that I'v been to for a competition. It was really great going to Thailand to compete with my choir mates. With everyone working towards the goal of getting that coveted gold, learning new things, and growing as people and as a choir.
Well the first day of trip was incredibly exciting as it involved air-travel which i have not done for a long while. The seats however were not very comfortable so THANK GOD it was a short flight. I remember that Nambi and Karen kept looking at each other so i had to switch seats so as to not get in their way(trust me its pretty disgusting).After touchdown we had to board a bus to get to that freaking old hotel.That was great fun. I was at the bottom of the bus along with the Bus Bottom Boys(BBB). Should i reveal their names?... ahh y not! Howard, Chris, Swee Hao, Eugene, Collin, Jonathan, Jun Yang and Guang Jun and of course myself. I leanred alot of weird songs in that bus courtesy of Howard and Chris and i got to hear some twisted carols which didn't sound that bad.(sorry no samples).
At the freakin old hotel(ambassador city hotel) i remeber clearly DRAGGING MY FRIGGIN ICBM(luggage) up the damn slope to the hotel. After a not so long wait we got our rooms and proceeded to check'em out b4 dinner.
I think my room was 51136 and it was a pretty OK room at least there weren't so many problems as others. I unpacked slightly and left for dinner.
Dinner was at "Grand Jom Tien" and t'was buffet style but nothing fantastic. The only thing i remember was worth the money was the unlimited desserts so ok......After filling our bellies t'was time for bed(pig's life...) Before that however, i tried to get online to blog about this but old hotel=crappy facilities=no internet.

Day Two was the only day we had to truly practise and it went by so fast that b4 i knew it we had to attend some opening ceremony and witness the ownage choirs perform. One Lithinian choir performed and personally i found them awesome so i only remember them. Skip to the exchange with MJC and NUS. I think we did pretty well but i will never forget that kasa went sharper than a Kaii blade(diamond coated) but i was hopeful that we'd work it out.

Day Three: CRUNCH TIME. Only a few hours to the real thing.....the moment of truth.The few minutes before we could rock Pattaya with our "AJ thing"(can't believe i said that) and go shopping. As we did our last practise b4 it was our turn to perform, Mr Toh(conductor) gave us a final pep-talk b4 we went on. If i remember correctly, Mr Toh(emotional fellow) teared like what 3 times b4 we performed and another 3 times when we were performing.
Singing in the front row...what a rush. I guess during the first song water night, we faltered quite a bit and i guess we could have done better but I am glad to say we recovered for Natsu and what gave that "feel-good" emotion was hearing the echo we created during that song. I think that gave us the confidence to sing out, roll with the song and just do our best. I liked Kasa the most due to our strong emotions and raw power. The song truly stood out and with that our turn in the limelight was over and we went to the back of the hall for our mini-celebration.Before the results were announced. We got 82.6 points i think and that gave us a comfortable Gold C so it was quite rocks for me since i gave my best and got a nice symbol of recognition.

Shopping: Day three,four and last day.....
Shopping in Pattya......quite the dissapointment. I truy didn't find anything worth buying there well except for a 'Quicksilver' shirt, a dragon carving for my Dad and well bottled water.(seriously) it wasn't all it was cracked up to be but it was fun to TCSS(talk cock sing song) with the group. Oh yes i remember buying this Traffic Warden's baton and that was quite the worthwhile buy especially if your a BBB.Coz what some people did with the baton was worth the 500baht price tag and so much more so that was my greatest buy. Thankfully, we were allowed to stay up till god knows when ever since our turn to perform ended so from day 3 onwards it was SLEEP!? NEVER! Bridge marathons, Talk cock sessions,Drinking parties etc...(hope no "cher" gets a hold of my blog url or i'm in Deep Shit)
I was pretty sad that all this quality time with the choir had to end but time to face reality....back to school! T'was in the airport that i realised that i still needed to get Mum a souveneir so airport shopping i went. I didn't manage to find anything so i gave up and had lunch with my group. Then, just before it was time to board, i saw this hill of stuffed toys that were quite cute so i went ahead and bought a Cocker Spaniel which was another FF buy. After much encouragement and positive feedback from the girls, i think i made the right choice with that dog. The flight back was quiet as a fell asleep for awhile and can't really remember what happened after that.
I did remember what happened after landing though. Some of the J2s that couldn't make the trip came to welcome use back at the air-port and we sang our favourite song after i located my ICBM. Then Qing Wen hounded me for his souvenier. Thank god i gt him some chocolates otherwise god knows what would happen LOL. Well i dun really wanna write the rest coz its typical....went back,slept, grumbled, went to school, gave out souveneirs, thats it Bye!

Pattaya Trip Rating:11/10(loved it)

Battled at || 5:13 PM


About Me

Location: Singapore

{B'DAE}07/08/1990 {SCHOOL}Anderson JC {LIKES}Singing,Winning,FOOD {HATES}Losing badly,getting lectured by ppl(who think they VERY BIG) Due to big size,play defensive positions in a lot of sports and have almost no energy in the evenings.LOVE TO JOKE and play RPGs


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