islenska` 31.03.06 the planet doesn't like our powers___
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Project Work's Over

Thursday, November 01, 2007

This is being written after the Baos Ordeal:Poject Work! It was finally over and as promised we would go for lots and lots of ice-cream at Swensen's. Which was unfortunately my treat (sad....lousy motivational techniques....)

I remember that day as if it was today. That morning i still remember the other groups rapidly arranging the file and one could hear the frequent,frantic calls of "I and R!?", "cover page?!" and my personal favourite,"HOLE PUNCHER?!?!"

It was'nt long b4 it was time to face the music. We went to the room 1123 and i got a shock when i realised one of the examiners was Morphine breath. Oh no! LOL . thankfully she's nice as an examiner. My group was third and it was frantic memorising for the Baos(well 'cept for moi). Hence, i was made timekeeper. When i was timing for Maye i forgot to ring the bell for Maye at 4:30 coz i was too used to her underusing the time.....oh well! I did'nt screw up for the rest of it.

After Do Re Mi and it was up to us already. Now it was our turn to deliver our speeches. All our efforts at rehearsing would be paying off HERE. We will deliver our best at that time. I was so pumped and raring to go! All was set up we were gonna start............... .......UNTIL we were told to "please wait" What an anti-climax! oh well what can you do! After a pretty long WAIT, we delivered our speeches. It all went quite well and Lao Da truly made us proud that day. He delivered a fluent speech and managed to maintain the flow of our presentation. As for myself, i made sure that i referred to the slides sufficiently and managed to pull of a nice conclusion.

Well after the OP, the Baos had to w8 for Susan to finish filing everythin which took quite awhile but it wasn't long b4 we were off to Bishan to eat our fill.

It really felt good to have all the hard work pay off and we could finally get an extremely heavy load off our shoulders. Life's good without such great burdens

Day Rating: veryvery very high!(life's good)

Battled at || 3:19 PM

Sand Castle at ECP on 11/10/2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Castle Views
Another Castle View
09/07 Class Pic

This are a few shots of our Character Development Programme. For this we had to build a sandcastle. Thank God the weather was not hot at all so we could enjoy the day out without the chance to get heat stroke.

Sandcastle building is fun as it involves alot of team work and if u really get into it and the work delegation is sufficient, it really makes for a fun thing to do with your friends. Oh yeah one thing i particularly feel proud of doing the sandcastle is carrying LARGE Barrels of Water to supply our builders with the help of friends as i feel i contribute which is something i lack in previous activities b4 JC. Maybe I'm just trying to say that i am starting to like my school life alot because I tried to become the change i wanted to see....and i think it's working for me. Oh yeah! Another achievement is the stairs on the castle. Yeah i did half of it!rofl

Oh yeah and after all the building we were supposed to come up with a concept to "sell our sand castle" so nonsense la! Warren said the tallest tower means that (Achievement is for those who dare to dream the highest!) and also the staircase at the base that goes all the way around to enter, he said it means that there are many paths to succss but if u keep climbing and going on u will achieve....Lame LA!! But ludicrously effective.

After we sent a few ppl into the Sea 'cep for Russell who practically scraped my right foot. So almost every1 got really really wet! Dinner at parkway parade ensued soon after so we went there and ate at Pastamania(i think...). I got home REALY quickly after dinner nd i hope they did not take too long to

day Rating: 10/10(it was real good fun but my foot injury ow...)

Battled at || 5:25 PM

Thursday...Local Talent at Meyer-Place..."nice manly voice"

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Just had time to piece this picture together.I was testing out my Camera(so long nvr play with it)

Thursday...What A holy day man! No Chinese dunnid to see that PQ's face!!!WOOH OOO^6
I really think that Mr Chua's a gr8 cher man should've swallowed my pride and got him to help me out sooner so previous topics wun be so blur.....Chem Lecture test today was so friggin simple that i had to jia zhua abit(last qn write 6 lines for 2 marks).
Finally tried Mee Rubus today...pretty gd starting to get addicted to pratas even my workout won't save me if this addiction gets worse. Then cannot go OBS....shiet i tell you! Starting to get worried about my NYAA...CIP requirements are pretty hard to satisfy....(12 months...WTH??!!)

Oh yeah Clement Ong din come today and according to Jun Yang, Mr Ong was "already starting to miss us...."(OMG!WTF!BBQ?). Ms Chua also din come but this relief teacher stepped in. She kept asking "You understand?...You understand?" pretty irritating but oh well....

Speaking of irritating.....Math lecture was bloody irritating! Revision lecture more of a confusion lecture...makes my blood boil...Really frustrating so many things did not make mathmatical sense(or dollars) at all!

Sian tiao la...Losing confience for my Mathematics(forte) subject...My Bio is so behind time in memorizing i think i will be dissapointing a few people this exam...(Sorry Ong B.T and policy here)
Oh yeah for the weird title...When i got home today i was practicing some carols then some ang mo lang commented on my singing said i had a nice deep voice. Yeah so i feel flattered...BWAHAHAH! (think that ang mo lang is gay....)

Well time to finish up that Chem thats it for now c ya
Day Rating: 8.5(No Bio quite ciok. Chem paper was quite tough sian)

Battled at || 9:10 PM


About Me

Location: Singapore

{B'DAE}07/08/1990 {SCHOOL}Anderson JC {LIKES}Singing,Winning,FOOD {HATES}Losing badly,getting lectured by ppl(who think they VERY BIG) Due to big size,play defensive positions in a lot of sports and have almost no energy in the evenings.LOVE TO JOKE and play RPGs


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